Saturday, 13 June 2009

Red Poppies

The only one that survived the move came out today so I was out with the camera the second I saw it.
I have a weakness for anything that dares to spread its petals and proclaim

*here I am and I am Bright*

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Artweeks Exhibition with Gilded Rose Designs

The latest project was Artweeks and we exhibited in a local community centre near where we were based last year. The facilities here are a little low on the ground and my workshop/studio isn't properly set up yet but here are some pics.

Magic Fabric Mushrooms

I just sprung out into the wonderful world of giant Mushrooms. I got a little bored of tiny but pretty and decided this gigantic 'shroom measuring in at around 18 inches to be just the thing to brighten up the day. Made from yellow felt, some 1960's funk print curtains and a red and green felt butterfly it isn't bad for a prototype.

welcome to the blog

Welcome to the RoseOak Studio blog. Here you will find information on my latest projects, ideas, inspiration and things that I find interesting. My name is Naomi and I am the head designer and will be responsible for updates and general stuff.