Wednesday 5 January 2011

mussel art - a quick first post of the new year + tut

The leftovers from a delightful light dinner provide the perfect setting for a little bit of mini art. It seemed such a waste to throw away perfectly good shells so in 10 min I had transformed it into a teeny piece of angelic floral mixed media with scraps from my studio basket.

one mussel shell half
dried orange flower blossoms
angel picture from a scrapbook collection
scraps of handmade paper
one flat sided faux pearl
wax candle
pva glue

Step 1: coat the inside of your shell with pva glue and layer your handmade paper in rough pieces until it is fully coated.
Step 2: glue in you image and surround with dried flowers
Step 3: glue on the faux pearl
Step 4: drizzle melted candle wax onto the finished piece to add texture

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